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Browser Safe Fonts : All versions of Windows & Mac equivalents.


Generic Family Family Name Example
Windows Font Name Mac Font Name
Sans-serif Normal fonts without serifs Arial Arial Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Arial Black Arial Black Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Lucida Sans Unicode Lucida Grande Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Tahoma Geneva Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Trebuchet MS Helvetica Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Verdana Verdana Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
MS Sans Serif Geneva Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Serif Normal fonts with serifs Georgia Georgia Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Palatino Linotype Book Antiqua Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Times New Roman Times Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
MS Serif New York Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Monospace Fixed-width fonts Courier New Courier New Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Lucida Console Monaco Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Cursive Fonts that emulate handwriting Comic Sans MS Comic Sans MS Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体
Fantasy Decorative fonts, for titles, etc. Impact Impact Safe Fonts, 안전서체, 安全書体, 安全字体

Windows fonts / Mac fonts / Font family


Normal style Bold style
Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif Arial, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
Arial Black, Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif Arial Black, Arial Black, Gadget, sans-serif
Comic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS5, cursive Comic Sans MS, Comic Sans MS5, cursive
Courier New, Courier New, Courier6, monospace Courier New, Courier New, Courier6, monospace
Georgia1, Georgia, serif Georgia1, Georgia, serif
Impact, Impact5, Charcoal6, sans-serif Impact, Impact5, Charcoal6, sans-serif
Lucida Console, Monaco5, monospace Lucida Console, Monaco5, monospace
Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif
Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua3, Palatino6, serif Palatino Linotype, Book Antiqua3, Palatino6, serif
Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif
Times New Roman, Times, serif Times New Roman, Times, serif
Trebuchet MS1, Helvetica, sans-serif Trebuchet MS1, Helvetica, sans-serif
Verdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif Verdana, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif
Symbol, Symbol (Symbol2, Symbol2) Symbol, Symbol (Symbol2, Symbol2)
Webdings, Webdings (Webdings2, Webdings2) Webdings, Webdings (Webdings2, Webdings2)
Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats (Wingdings2Zapf Dingbats2) Wingdings, Zapf Dingbats (Wingdings2Zapf Dingbats2)
MS Sans Serif4, Geneva, sans-serif MS Sans Serif4, Geneva, sans-serif
MS Serif4, New York6, serif